President of Office de MASUYAMA 
Founder of Masuyama&Company LLC
Toshikazu Masuyama is a former senior official at Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), where he served in positions including Director of the Europe, Middle East and Africa Division of the Trade Policy Bureau, Director for Policy Planning in the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, and Director-General of METI’s Hokkaido Bureau. His other contributions as a government official include the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Agreement negotiations and promotions of a feed-in tariff system, a renewable energy policy in Japan.

He has served as president of an organization, special advisor to several companies, and professor at a university.
  • Japan, born in Kyoto
  • Graduated in Law from the University of Tokyo
  • Diploma from Ecole National Administration (ENA) specializing in France International Law and Business
  • Cornell University Retail and Food Business Program in Japan
Academic/Business Career:
  • Professor at Kyoto University of Advanced Science
  • Professor at Asahikawa City University in Hokkaido
  • Professor at Seisa University
  • Collaborative Researcher at Kyoto University Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Circular Symbiotic Area Research Project Manager
  • President of Carbon Neutral Promotion Association
  • President of Kyoto Kimono Traditional Association
Special advisor to many companies including a policy consulting firm, an energy company, an IT company, distribution companies, etc.